Friday, September 21, 2007

Kol Nidre

So one of the reasons this blog is called Meshugener Gay is that I am jewish and meshugener is the yiddish word for "a madman, lunatic, crazy person". Not that I am really crazy but I think sometimes I feel a bit like a lunatic balancing the elements in my identity. Take tonight for example:

I am sitting in synagogue - taking the Kol Nidre service (I will explain this in a couple minutes) rather seriously and then in a less participatory part of the program doze off for a bit and my mind wanders to sex. I think I was having a mini-dream where I was having sex. Now, Yom Kippur is maybe one of the most serious jewish holidays. The Kol Nidre service is the first night - and is metaphorically set up like a tribunal. The ideas of judgement, atonement and self-introspection are infused in the liturgy. I find the opening prayer very moving and although I have huge ambivalence to the actual notion of God - I find the spiritual ideas and prayers to be very moving. And yet, my mind wanders to sex.

Okay, so would say this is not crazy - this is being a guy. I happen to agree. I don't beat myself up about my sexuality, my enjoyment of sex or when I express myself sexually (in ways some would describe as sinful). Rather I accept that as part of me and try to be as good and honest as I can in other aspects of my looney life.

If you want to know more about Kol Nidre I am including a link to the wikipedia page
and a humanistic interpretation

Getting the look right

Well instead of writing about the hot sex I had tonight I ahve been obsessing about how the blog looks - since I am a newbie blogger I am trying to get a handle on how to change things without them looking stupid and learning to work with html ... was trying to post this pic ah well guess we can't get everything right ...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Horny Agnst

This is not original.

I suppose right now thousands of men (gay or not) are at work, and are thinking of sex right now or at least something sexual or at least how horny they are right now.

For ages I have thought about starting a blog as a forum for various thoughts - sexual and otherwise. In other incarnations - I have moderated a gay erotic stories group on yahoo and decided to make this more personal.

The quick summary of how we got to this place is simple: repressed jewish guy tries to deny he is gay until the age of 34 and finally has sex with a man - kaboom - the flood gates open and life changes in subtle ways. The journey to being sexually and emotionally whole continues, while I also evolve professionally.

Stay tuned