Friday, August 8, 2008


So we are watching Grosse Point Blank and I am drinking wine and being silly. Chair dancing to the sound-track and suddenly he turns off the TV. Goes to the bathroom and when he comes back he checks his email and turns off the TV and goes up to bed. Not one word.

What would you do?

I was a bit tipsy from the wine so I surfed the web until I felt steady. Quietly crept into his room to get the pants I took off from work with my wallet and money and went home. He might have been just tired - or I pissed him off, but I am happier at home - watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics, surfing Logo and writing blog entries.


The other day I was chatting with the bf about the appropriateness of t-shirt under a shirt. It got me thinking about how we learn about fashion and carry around norms in our head about what is right and wrong.

I am one of those people who generally wears a white crew neck t-shirt under most things. I didn't even own a wife-beater until I met the bf. I own a lot of white crews t-shirts and wear them under dress shirts and your basic cotton polo. In the summer I will wear them under a short sleeve shirt - the thought of wearing a shirt without one seems to me to be a bit naked.

Now, I know some guys wear beaters. You can see them under dress shirts, through short sleeve shirts, in the gym and out in the public. Did their father's wear them? Do they think they look hot or are just more comfy in them.

There is a tendancy to equate this divide in the t-shirt world to class or cultural preference. I am sure the fashionistas could opine on what to wear when - but we all have our own sense of fashion ...