Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Would I do it for money?

With the economy getting scary I am been a bit worried about loosing my job.

Bottom line my company is not doing good and I am freaked.

When I first finished grad school we were in the height of the recession of 1990. It took me years to find a job and I was very poor. In the last year or two I was finally feeling like I was doing okay and put in an order for a new car - not the cheapest car I could find but a perfectly nice VW Jetta Sportwagon TDI 6-speed. It met my criteria for getting over 30 mpg and had a few luxuries. At 43 thought I could afford a nice car. Now I may cancel the order and looking at job options and other ways to make money.

Would anyone pay to fuck a 43 year old with a decent body, cute face and what I am told is a great ass? And the more important question is could I really sell my body? Could you? maybe I should set up a poll?


Anonymous said...

The answer is yes. At 43, you would be able to attract clients, but you would probably have to be fetish specific. Being a leather bottom or pup would certainly get you some business.

But do you really want to? I think not.

SF Sex said...

I think you'd get more clients as a leather Dom Top.