Saturday, October 13, 2007

Exciting Saturday Night - NOT!

Okay I promise to finish the Late Night post, but work has been really busy. I read a lot of blogs and find it funny when bloggers promise about writing more and then whine about how busy their lives are. The fact is my life is and always has been busy. I am the kind of person that either is on overdrive or is a complete slug. However, I always have tons of projects lined up - boredom is not an option.

That being said - I do tend to have quiet weekends. Part of that is the BF - who tends to be a bit of a home body and a couch potato. His collection of dvd's and video games - would stupify any ludite into instant panic attack. Right now he has fallen asleep on the couch and is snoring. So I am cruising and and decided why not update the blog with some thoughts.

First - why are the Fantastic Four movies so bad? Its not like the comic book didn't have potential - is it that Hollywood can't find a way through the hype and find the pathos? Okay, the movies weren't complete stinkers - they just lacked soul. Like any design exercise - movies need to identify their core and then the director has to make sure everything supports it. Even a camp comic movie can follow this maxim. The Spiderman movies do it and Batman Begins does it too.

Second, I chat online a fair bit. Most gay men online are sex obsessed and I am not saything that is a bad thing. I find it interesting that many of them are surprised that gay men in long term relationships can't sustain sexual intensity. The fact is gay long term relationships are like heterosexual long terms relationships - sex ebs and flows and has trouble keeping a head of steam. The reality of lgay men iving in a long term realtionship and sustaining sexual intensity just flies in the face of popular culture. I have a feeling I could be more articulate about this - but the bottom line for me is that monogamy or lack of it in the gay world may the same as in the hetero world - we just embrace it more?

Okay, I should wake-up the snoring man I love!

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