Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Meshugener tries to end it


1. senseless; crazy [syn: meshugge]

1. (Yiddish) a crazy fool [syn: meshuggeneh]

It probably would not be a surprise to any of you that this happy blogger sees a shrink. Its odd because I generally think of myself as one of the most mentally stable people I know. Seeing a shrink has made me realize things about myself and is starting to push some long held boundaries. If you haven't tried it - I would suggest some sort of therapy for everyone. The hard part is finding the right person to work with. Even then it is a constant struggle because therapy is a relationship and when you are not getting the help/feedback/input/or guidance then you have to push back and work on the relationship. When your therapeutic issue is relationships then it becomes even harder to deal with.

So today I went to my session with full intention of taking a few month holiday. My insurance allows a certain number of sessions per year and I ran out - so I am paying full fare. That pain aside the thought of going to talk to him had become so anxiety producing that I did the cost benefit analysis and decided to take a break until insurance clicked in. Unfortunately, never go to a therapist and talk about finishing - because they will always talk you out of it. To give him his due - he was very accepting, but made some good points about things he thinks we can work on and I couldn't argue with him - fact is I just didn't want to deal.

Next week same time, same location I guess I am dealing.

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