Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Man that irks me! or why bother?

This blog could be called strange entanglements.

A couple months ago, my bf was out of town and I was slightly horny so I logged on to a chat line. Now most of the time chat lines are a waste of time and I rarely find someone who I click with. This night I chatted with this guy who I really clicked with and we had an intense chat. I can't remember if it was that night or a couple nights later when we chatted again - that I found out he lived near me. We flirted some more and I found out more about him. Tragic story. Was married - had two kids, wife ran away with the two kids and he can't find them. This was years ago. Closeted he takes up with a guy, has a two year relationship and they buy a house together and the guy freaks about commitment and runs away. So he is turning 30 and is alone.

So being the nice guy I am I send him a Happy Birthday email. We chat on and off and I become a friend and listen to his life. He goes through a bad period and I listen, support. This goes on for a month or so. Sometimes we flirt sometimes we just chat as friends. He sends me pictures - they look real enough and they are hot. He vanishes and reappears. The story gets more interesting - his wife gets arrested for stealing the kids and he gets them back! His wife commits suicide in jail. He is moving to LA. I try to get him to have coffee before he goes - but he evades.

He vanishes for a couple weeks.

He reappears - something about moving to LA - he is getting engaged to a high school sweatheart. Now of course by now I am totally thinking this guy is inventing stories. When he vanishes and reappears and appears down - I offer a supportive ear. He vanishes again.

He recently reappeared and told me he never moved, but was engaged. He tells me that the kids are now living with their grandparents (something about they couldn't get used to this father they barely knew). I am skeptical but am nice and supportive. He tells me he is working through issues. He vanishes again. When he reappears he declares his love for me and tells me that all the other shit was a way to distance himself from me. I tell him I care for him, but love my bf and am willing to be a friend. We chat regularly for a week.

Now he has vanished again.

Beyond the tedious quality of this post and the fact that any fool would loose this guy it really irks me the games he plays. I guess I play them too cause each time I am a sympathetic ear.

Why do I bother? Because whatever his deal is - I think he is suffering and part of me just wants to save the world.


Anonymous said...

Is his name Steve?

meshugener said...

His name was not.
I got an email from him finally and he said he wanted to break off contact cause he was afraid of breaking up my relationship