Saturday, February 9, 2008

Rambling and Chewing Gun while walking

When I am walking from here to there or driving I keep thinking of things to post and then when I get to my destination I either don't have the time or don't feel like sitting down and blogging - so today I thought I just babble.

First - could I have used the word " whilst" instead of "while" in the title of this post? It sometimes comes off as pretentious when Americans use words that people in the UK commonly use - but I really like the word "whilst" but not completely sure I use it right.

Second - been thinking a lot about sex (I know who isn't), but a fair bit about what's missing in my life. Bit of context here. Met up with this guy for the second time - first time was great, lots of hot kissing and really tender play. Guy was my age - the kinda body that could be much better if he lost 15 lbs but definitely worked out - must spend too much time traveling for work and eating in nice restaurants. And for those of you who are size queens he had a ballistic missile of a cock. Fat on the bottom tapering and big. Since I am not a size queen I liked that he liked to kiss a lot while fucking and let me be the aggressive bottom that I can be when I am in the mood to be fucked. Anyhow, for the second time I just wasn't into it, midway through the fuck I lost my hard-on and tried to be a good sport and make sure he was having a good time, but I left without getting off. So the question is what was going on in my head. Part of me wants to be a carefree sexual person into getting off with hot guys - but the other part of me becomes disconnected and alienated from the act.

Third - Hillary or Obama? Although I am happy that I voted for Hillary - part of me thinks that Obama represents the future and that our best chance to beat McCain is Obama. His ability to generate enthusiasm from independents is very cool. In the end I just think Hillary will make the better president.

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