Thursday, May 28, 2009

What do bottoms think?

So even though I like being fucked as much as the next guy, I have to admit that I rarely crave it. In the heat of the moment sure I sometimes enjoy it, but when I am get horny I never think "... man I need a cock in me ..." its mostly about connection and the physical grinding of hot man to man fun.

When I have had bad sexual experiences it has been the while being fucked I loose interest. Usually, its a dominant top who just wants to pound and treat me like meat. The fucking doesn't feel bad it just doesn't feel like anything.

So I was curious about guys who crave cock up their ass? Big bottoms who just like to be pounded. What is going on in your head? Are you in a zone? Are you focused on the man above you? Can you visually you are being violated? What is it all about?

1 comment:

Victor said...

I find my needs vary with my moods and my reaction to is on top of me.

Sometimes, a pounding top can be arousing but more often I prefer gentleness, the body contact and some sense of him making love to me.